Demon of the Underground

Saturday, October 1, 2011

DOTU is spreading like Herpes!

Er... that is to say, I'm putting up pages for DOTU on various social media sites and comic sites so you guys can all keep updated on the latest news more easily! So far, you can find info about DOTU in all of these places:

Blogger @demonoftheunderground - That's what you're looking at right now! The official "Demonblog." I'll post all news and updates here, generally with more detail than what I post anywhere else. Also, I'll post all TopWebComics/Comic Hovel voting incentive images from the previous month here so you're guaranteed to never miss one!

DeviantART @anabosch - On DA, I post new DOTU pages one week after their release to the main site. I also put up other artwork - at least when I have time to do other artwork! I'll also put *some* old voting incentives here.

Facebook @demonoftheunderground - Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter will all have mirrored news posts and perhaps some random goofy junk. I'll also link my Demonblog posts through these sites. But I won't be posting actual pages to these accounts.

Tumblr @bob-artist - Same as Facebook and Twitter.

Twitter @shobana_appavu - Same as Facebook and Tumblr, but of course this is limited to much shorter posts.

Google+ - Still figuring out how to use it! ;)

Livejournal @bob-artist - I use this primarily for more personal posts - and ferrets! But there's plenty of discussion about DOTU there, and I re-post the comic pages in blocks after their release on the main page.

TopWebComics - This is an awesome comic voting site, and I get a lot of traffic from here! So I really appreciate every single vote I get. Last month I finished at #224, which was over 100 places higher than the previous month - all you voters are AWESOME!!! I always try to reward voters with fresh incentives every week. The incentive images range in theme, from ferret photos to WIP shots to shiny new DOTU-themed comic strips. It's a new month now, so please help so the comic doesn't slip in the ranks!

Comic Hovel - This is a comic voting site. It's not as big as TopWebComics, but I greatly appreciate any votes I get through here! The incentive will always be the same as on TopWebComics.

Ink Outbreak - This is a really really cool website that provides an easy way for readers to keep up with all the webcomics they read, while preserving the content of the original website rather than filtering it into an RSS feed. I use it both for reading and for sharing DOTU, and I think it's great. You can follow DOTU so it stays in your reading queue and will automatically pop up high on the list every time I add a new page. It's a relatively new site, but I think it's gonna be huge, and I encourage everyone to check it out!

And to start off, I'll catch up on old voting incentives by posting two of them here! First off, the 8/1 voting incentive: an image of Shango, who was the inspiration for Annie.

And second, here is the 8/8 voting incentive: the first ever concept image I did of Pogo for DOTU.


  1. Hi, just wanted to let you know that there's a typo in the deviantart-link and hence it doesn't work. Otherwise - love your comic and will be checking back frequently!
    Cheers, Bess

  2. @Bess Thanks for reading, and letting me know about the typo! I fixed it now. :)
